In the standard iterative technique, we limit work to the current iteration functionality ( use cases) only. 在标准的迭代技术中,我们只将工作限定在当前的迭代功能(用例)中。
We'll make a slight change to the standard technique for multiplying matrices so that the previous algorithm can be applied here. 我们将对矩阵乘法的标准技术稍微进行一下修改,这样就可以使用前面介绍的算法了。
The discussion prevention injury measure, namely has the solid basic skills, the good physical quality, the standard technique, tactical ability; 探讨预防损伤的措施,即具备扎实的基本功、良好的身体素质、规范的技、战术能力;
Standard pathology technique and production quality would affect exactitude of pathological diagnosis. 病理技术的规范与否,制片质量的好坏很大程度上影响病理医生作出正确的病理诊断。
A standard technique advocated by a national organization like the AHA is reassuring to parents who want to be sure that their children are receiving consistent, high-quality care. 其是被国家机构(如AHA)倡导的的标准技术来慰藉想确定他们的孩子接受稳定、高质量的保健的父母。
To ensure the best performance, we produce the products using high-quality raw materials with standard producing technique under strict quality management. 为了确保最佳的性能,我们采用了优质的原材料,严格的品质管理和规范生产工艺。
China Standard Technique Committee of Surfactant and Detergent Product is being organized in the near future. 在中国,由中国洗涤用品工业协会牵头的“全国表面活性剂洗涤用品标准化技术委员会”即将成立。
A fianchettoed bishop combined with a pawn advance on the opposite wing is a standard technique for exerting strategic pressure. 一侧翼象加一兵向对方侧翼挺进是实施战略压力的标准技巧。
Ileocolonoscopy is considered the "gold standard technique" for investigation of the neointimal ileum. 在末端回肠的检查中,回盲镜被认为是金标准。
The paper describes the research and formulation of the standard safety technique condition of school bus in detail. 对《学童客车(校车)安全技术条件》标准的研究制定作详细描述。
The standard technique is to invoke nationalism as a conduit for dissatisfaction. 惯用手法是通过煽动民族主义情绪来疏导不满情绪。
This method is insensitive to spatial image noise and is in better correspondence with the response of the human visual system than is the standard technique. 这种方法对空间图像噪声不敏感,并且与标准技术相比,它能够更好的与人类视觉系统的反应相一致。
Results All the 6 patients were male with the mean age 42 years old. The standard technique, doubie cavity method and total heart method were performed on 4 cases, 1 case and 1 cases respectively. 结果6例患者中,移植方法采用标准法4例,双腔法1例,全心脏法1例。
Estimation of the Internal Standard Technique in Chromatography Using Law of Propagation of Error 应用误差叠加原理评价色谱内标法
METHODS: Venous blood ( 2 mL) was drawn and genomic DNA was extracted by standard technique. GCH 1 genes were amplified by PCR, and reaction products were directly sequenced by DNA sequencer. 方法:经静脉采血2mL,常规提取基因组DNA,以PCR扩增GCH-1基因,反应产物用自动DNA测序仪直接测序。
It is more urgent that the DNA standard technique and the quality control system could be set up in our domestic court science. 从目前我国的有关情况看,建立DNA技术标准化和质量控制体系,已成为我国法庭科学亟待解决的问题。然而,DNA鉴定的不断完善,还有赖于人类基因组计划。
During the last few years, microwave irradiation as an efficient thermal energy source is becoming a standard technique in various fields of chemistry, especially in the application in organic chemistry. 近年来,微波辐射作为一种有效的热源正广泛应用于化学各个领域,尤其在有机化学领域。
The standard technique system for producing nuisance free waxy maize 无公害糯玉米标准化生产技术
To raise the applicability and development of the software, the industrial standard technique and that has extensive applicability is chose as far as possible in course of software development: develop independently from bottom layer with Windows as platform, and Visual C++ as development tool; 为了提高软件的适用性和扩展性,软件制作过程中尽量选用工业标准技术和具有广泛适用性的技术:以Windows为平台,以Visualc++为开发工具,从底层自主开发;
Establishment of Standard Technique Platform and Its Application for Detection of Schistosome Circulating Antigen with Enzyme Immune Assay Kit 检测血吸虫循环抗原酶免疫试剂标准化平台技术建设及应用
As a standard technique of test and Design-For-Testability for testing the digital printed circuit board, Boundary-Scan technique has obtained widespread application in electronic equipment. 边界扫描技术是一种标准的数字电路测试及可测试性设计方法,它在工业界得到了广泛的应用。
Momentum method is a standard technique to improve its convergence performance. 一种标准的改进策略是加入动量项,该方法提高了传统BP算法的收敛性能。
By analyzing a typical case in which Wenzhou lighter industry suffered from the new standard technique barrier imposed upon by the EU, the author uncovers some important issues, finds some universal experience and gives some good measures. 本文试图通过对温州打火机遭遇欧盟安全新标准的技术壁垒这一典型案例的分析,从中发现一些问题,找到一些普遍经验,并提出相应对策。
( Methods Thirty) human teeth with single root-canal mandible premolar were instrumented using standard technique, then were divided into 3 groups, carrying on root-canal irrigation. 方法:30颗离体单根管下颌双尖牙,用不锈钢K型锉,以标准法进行根管扩锉。随机分为3组,每组10颗牙,分别进行根管冲洗。
Soak and smear: A standard technique revisited SPLIT-PHASE METHOD 浸泡法和涂抹法:标准技术回顾
Standard technique measuring MCV has been proved as an useful index for early diagnosis of carbon disulfide neuropathy. 用标准MCV测定技术测定MCV对早期诊断CS2神经病是个有用的指标。
The Standard Technique System for Producing Green Food Rice in Yellow River Basin 黄河流域绿色食品大米标准化生产技术体系研究
The detection of gamma rays is a standard technique in a wide variety of applications in science, nuclear medicine, industry and other fields. γ射线检测作为一种标准性的技术,在科研、核医学、工业、地质勘探等领域得到了广泛应用。